Future Research
When considering what future research may find this work relevant, one came to a realisation about the nature of this work itself.
The essence of this research is to improve design by a series of steps:
- Improve design by improving rule based design standards
- Improve design standards by basing design rules on computational modelling
- Improve computational modelling by progressively including more variables to approach realism.
Thus, assumed in the very nature of this work the desirability of model based design, over rule based. That is, unless complex models resolve elegantly into the rules which govern them, which can then be used and understood in rule based design. If this can be achieved, then this research should prove useful to the next step of model refinement, that is, whole structure modelling. Modelling of the silo cylinder with the roof attached.
If this emergence of governing rules cannot be achieved, then perhaps further effort should be directed into accepting the complexity of models, adopting a culture of model based design, into the development of user-friendly software, and development of design standards with the use of models in mind.